
Permanently Closed. Family-friendly diner & bar featuring an American menu, cocktails & regular live entertainment.

8728 N Lombard St, Portland, OR 97203


Found A Dime by Bitch School on June 5th, 2016

Bell of The Gall by Bitch School on June 5th, 2016

Big Bad (1 of 1) by Big Bad on June 5th, 2016

Lava by Sunshifter on June 15th, 2016

Summer Eyes (2 of 6) by Summer Eyes on May 21st, 2016

Residue by Sunshifter on June 15th, 2016

Click here for all Brekken’s videos


Pushy, Sacri Monti, Sunshifter June 15th, 2016 06/15/16
Big Bad, Bitch School, Queen Chief June 5th, 2016 06/05/16
Dinosaur Heart, Summer Eyes May 21st, 2016 05/21/16
No Fest 8 September 12th, 2015 09/12/15
Bullets or Balloons, Love, Fuck, Marc & The Horsejerks June 5th, 2015 06/05/15