
Conan are as heavy as interplanetary thunder amplified through the roaring black hole anus of Azathoth. Remember that sentence, for it is writ large in virgin blood on the walls of the forgotten temple of Bol-Krastor, deep in the steaming forests of forgotten Lemuria. Conan, a monumentally brutal three piece (in the grand tradition of all the hallowed three pieces through time) hold a sinew-tight line and an iron-grip command over the uber-synchronised powerchord changes and tempo-shifts of the anti-holy trio of bass, drums and guitar. Two weary yet defiant men have the task of vocalising wretched thoughts over the turgid weight of Conan’s metalized bombast. They bear it well, for the task is immense.

Jon Davis - guitar / vocals
Johnny King - drums
Chris Fielding - bass / vocals

Merseyside UK


Full Set at Polaris Hall on May 24th, 2023

Satsumo at High Water Mark Lounge on March 2nd, 2019

Gravity Chasm at High Water Mark Lounge on March 2nd, 2019

Horns For Teeth at High Water Mark Lounge on March 2nd, 2019

Click here for all Conan videos


Conan, Thra, Usnea Polaris Hall May 24th, 2023 05/24/23
Conan, Eight Bells, Sixes High Water Mark Lounge March 2nd, 2019 03/02/19