
Grime starts its mission in Italy during summer 2010.
Their only goal is bringing destruction to a town near yours.
Their sound is rooted into rotten burial ground and their songs are the sound of a decaying swamp filled with trash.
Their slow and heavy groove is filthy and vicious, guitar riffs are sharp and covered with rust, drums and bass hit with the unstoppable power of a mud avalanche.
Their last LP "Circle of Molesters" was nominated Sludge album of the year in 2015 from Cvlt Nation, and reached the top 5 in many top 10 end of the year album charts.
They made a bunch of European tours (also with Converge, Cough, Fistula, Today is The Day and -16-) and had the honour to play some great festivals, such as Heavy Days in Doomtown, Bloodshed Festival, Barroselas Metal Fest, Roadburn, Desertfest Belgium and Desertfest London. They also played two festivals in Russia with Suma.
They will keep spread their plague in your town very soon.
Be afraid.
Grime starts its mission in Italy during summer 2010.

Record Label
Argento Records (NL)

Trieste, Italy


Sick of Life at The Tonic Lounge on May 16th, 2018

A Piece of Flesh at The Tonic Lounge on May 16th, 2018

Full Set at The Tonic Lounge on May 16th, 2018

Decay in Hades at The Tonic Lounge on May 16th, 2018

Click here for all Grime videos


Cough, Grime, Hexenight, Usnea The Tonic Lounge May 16th, 2018 05/16/18