
Leadeater is a nature-centric project, rooted in ritual black metal, folk, dark-ambient, and drone. What
began as a dream-based solo endeavor became a vessel of expression/release for a larger core
group-- a sonic confluence in which we all meet as the Orb Weaver Collective. We seek to
understand the wisdom of the natural world and strive to share our experiences through music and
performance. Living in the East Bay Area, we are all very much inspired by our connections to the
redwood forests of Northern California and each other. Leadeater is an ever changing entity that
shifts over time, yet weaves a common thread through each of its manifestations. Our material
being a collection of expressions each written for a specific event

Oakland, California


Full Set at The Tonic Lounge on August 19th, 2017


Eight Bells, Hail, Leadeater, Urghun The Tonic Lounge August 19th, 2017 08/19/17