The Accüsed AD

The Accüsed is an American crossover thrash band from Seattle, Washington, founded in 1981. The band was a progenitor of the crossover style that bridged the gap between thrashcore and thrash metal, later influencing grindcore and some crust punk bands; as well as an influential band in the Seattle area alternative scene. The band calls their music "splattercore", and their zombie mascot, Martha Splatterhead, appears on most of their albums. Common themes involve social issues and the theme of Martha Splatterhead coming back from the dead to slaughter rapists and child molesters.

Seattle, WA


Full Set at Dante's on October 24th, 2019


EYEHATEGOD , Final Conflict, Negative Approach, Sheer Terror, The Accüsed AD Dante's October 24th, 2019 10/24/19